Minikube Installation

There are lots of other ways to build a kube cluster, such as kubeadm, or my favourite Kubernetes the hard way. However, we will create a kube cluster locally on our workstation using Minikube. I should point that all the things I\’ll demo in this course will work the same way irrespective of how the Kube Cluster was built.
Earlier we talked about how to install minikube, lets now if it has really installed by running a minikube command:
$ minikube version
minikube version: v1.0.1

Similarly you check it\’s status:
$ minikube status

To create a new kubecluster, we run (note this can take several minutes):

$ minikube start

If you open up the virtualbox gui, you should see a new vm called minikube running. If you check the status again, you should now see:

$ minikube status
host: Running
kubelet: Running
apiserver: Running
kubectl: Correctly Configured: pointing to minikube-vm at

Here it says that minikube has also configured kubectl, that\’s done by making changes to kubectl\’s config file. By default that file is located at ~/.kube/config. We\’ll cover more about this file later in the course. But for now we\’ll confirm that this config file is currently configured to point to minikube\’s kube cluster:

$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use \’kubectl cluster-info dump\’.

The ip address shown here is the Minikube VM\’s ip address, which should match:
$ minikube ip

To check the health of your kub cluster\’s control plane, you can run:
$ kubectl get componentstatus
NAME                 STATUS    MESSAGE             ERROR
controller-manager   Healthy   ok
scheduler            Healthy   ok
etcd-0               Healthy   {\”health\”:\”true\”}

Also to see how many nodes are in our kubecluster, run:
$ kubectl get nodes
minikube   Ready    master   4d10h   v1.14.1

This command lists out all VMs that has the kubelet component running on it, along with the kubelet\’s VERSION. If you built kubernetes the hardway then the masters won\’t get listed here, since the masters don\’t have the kubelet running on them. We can specify the \’wide\’ output setting to display a little some more info:
$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
minikube   Ready    master   20h   v1.14.0     <none>        Buildroot 2018.05   4.15.0           docker://18.6.2

Now that we have a kubecluster in place, we can now run the kubectl version command but this time without the –client filter flag:
$ kubectl version –short
Client Version: v1.14.1
Server Version: v1.14.1

By design, to stay lightweight, our minikube based kubecluster is a single node cluster, which acts as both the master and worker node. That\’s fine in a development environment. But in production, you should have multiple node cluster for High Availability, better performance, more CPU+RAM capacity,..etc.
When your not using minikube, you can shut it down:
minikube stop
You can also delete your minikube vm:
minikube delete
The Kubernetes dashboard
You can also monitor your kubecluster via the web browser, bu running:
$ minikube dashboard

This is a really cool tool that let\’s you view and manage your Kubecluster visually. I encourage you to explore this tool as we progress through the course.

MiniKube Installation using Powershell

Minikube is a CLI tool that provisions and manages the lifecycle of single-node Kubernetes clusters running inside Virtual Machines (VM) on your local system. It runs a standalone cluster on a single virtual machine for a quick Kubernetes setup so that you can easily and quickly try your hands at deploying and testing Kubernetes on your own time.

To install & configure Minikube, run the below powershell command & you can have a standalone Kubernetes cluster running locally.

Install MiniKube + Kubectl
This script downloads the executables for MiniKube, Kubectl, configures Hyper-V as the hypervisor (if not configured already)
together with configuring a specific network adapter for use with the Minikube virtual machine


## Check if running as a Administrator (needed for Hyper-V commands)
$currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())

## Check HyperV status
$HypervState = (Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName:Microsoft-Hyper-V).State

## If missing, enable HyperV
if ($HypervState -eq \"Disabled\")
$EnableHyperV = Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName:Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-Powershell,Microsoft-Hyper-V-All -NoRestart

## If a restart is needed, add registry entry to continue after reboot
if ($EnableHyperV.RestartNeeded -eq $true)
## Set script to re-run after reboot
Set-ItemProperty -Path \"HKLM:\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce\" -Name \"Install-MiniKube\" -Value \"C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\Powershell.exe $PSCommandPath\"

## And reboot

## Get version number of latest stable release of kubectl
$KubectlVersion = (Invoke-WebRequest -uri -UseBasicParsing).content.Trim()

## Turn off progress bars to speed up incoming download *sigh*
$ProgressPreference = \"silentlyContinue\"

## Download minikube + kubectl to temp location
$MinikubeUrl = \"\"
$MinikubeDl = \"$Env:Temp\\minikube.exe\"
$KubctlUrl = \"$KubectlVersion/bin/windows/amd64/kubectl.exe\"
$KubctlDl = \"$Env:Temp\\kubectl.exe\"

Invoke-WebRequest -uri $MinikubeUrl -OutFile $MinikubeDl
Invoke-WebRequest -uri $KubctlUrl -OutFile $KubctlDl

## Restore progress bars to default
$ProgressPreference = \"Continue\"

## Create and copy downloads to Minikube directory in Program Files
$MinikubeDst = \"$Env:Programfiles\\Minikube\"

New-Item $MinikubeDst -ItemType Container
Move-Item $MinikubeDl -Destination $MinikubeDst
Move-Item $KubctlDl -Destination $MinikubeDst

## Update PATH environment variable for this session
$env:Path +=\";$MinikubeDst\"

## Update PATH environment variable permentantly
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable(\"Path\", $env:Path + \";$MinikubeDst\", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)

## Check for and clear out any previous MiniKube configurations
if (Test-Path -Path \"$HOME\\.minikube\")
Remove-Item -Path \"$HOME\\.minikube\" -Force -Recurse

## Get Network Adapter of choice for use with MiniKube
$NetworkAdapter = Get-NetAdapter | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title \'Pick your network adapter to use with MiniKube\'

## Configure Hyper-V Virtual Switch with Network Adapter chosen previously
New-VMSwitch -Name \"Minikube\" -AllowManagementOS $true -NetAdapterName $NetworkAdapter.Name

## Configure Minikube to use Hyper-V driver and Virtual Network Adapter
minikube config set vm-driver hyperv
minikube config set hyperv-virtual-switch Minikube
minikube config set memory 2048

## Start MiniKube
minikube start

Refer :

Overview of Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications. source:
Built from the Google project Borg. Kubernetes is all about decoupled and transient services. Decoupling means that everything has been designed to not require anything else. Transient means that the whole system expects various components to be terminated and replaced. A flexible and scalable environment means to have a framework that does not tie itself from one aspect to the next and expect objects to die and to reconnect to their replacements.
Kubernetes deploy many microservices. Other parties (internal or external to K8s) expect that there are many possible microservices available to respond a request, to die and be replaced.
The communication between components is API call driven. It is stored in JSON but written in YAML. K8s convert from YAML to JSON prior store it in the DB.

Other solutions to Kubernetes are:
Docker Swarm
Apache Mesos
Rancher: Container orchestrator-agnostic system. Support Mesos, Swarm and Kubernetes.

Kubernetes Architecture:

Kubernetes is made of a central manager (master) and some worker nodes, although both can run in a single machine or node. The manager runs an API server (kube-apiserver), a scheduler (kube-scheduler), controllers and a storage system (etcd).
Kubernetes exposes an API which could be accessible with kubectl or your own client. The scheduler sees the requests for running containers coming to the API and find a node to run that container in. Each node runs a kubelet and a proxy (kube-proxy). Kubelet receives requests tu run containers, manage resources and watches over them in the local node. The proxy creates and manage networking rules to expose the container on the network.
A Pod consist of one or more containers which share an IP address, access to storage and namespace. A container in a pod runs an application, and the secondary containers supports such application.
Orchestration is managed though a series of watch-loops, or controllers that check with the API server for a particular object state, modifying the object until declares the desired state.
A Deployment is a controller that ensures that resources are available, and then deploys a ReplicaSet. The ReplicaSet is a controller which deploys and restart containers until the requested number of containers running. The ReplicationController was deprecated and replaced by Deployment.
There are Jobs and CronJobs controllers to handle single or recurring tasks.
Labels are strings part of the object metadata used to manage the Pods, they can be used to check or changing the state of objects without having to know the name or UID. Nodes can have taints to discourage Pod assignment, unless the Pod has a toleration in the metadata.
There are also annotations in metadata which is information used by third-party agents or tools.

Minikube which runs with VirtualBox to have a local Kubernetes cluster
Kompose: translate Docker Compose files into Kubernetes manifests

Search string in all SQL database tables

The below script will provide the occurrence of your string in all the columns of all database tables in your SQL Server.
Declare @SearchString VARCHAR(100)
--Replace ASHISH with your string
SET @SearchString=\'ASHISH\'
DECLARE @DatabaseName VARCHAR(100)
DECLARE @SchemaName VARCHAR(100)
DECLARE @ColumnName VARCHAR(100)
DECLARE @FullyQualifiedTableName VARCHAR(500)
Declare @DataType VARCHAR(50)

--Create Temp Table to Save Results
IF OBJECT_ID(\'tempdb..#Results\') IS NOT NULL

DatabaseName VARCHAR(100)
,SchemaName VARCHAR(100)
,TableName VARCHAR(100)
,ColumnName VARCHAR(100)
,ColumnDataType VARCHAR(50)
,TotalTableRowCount INT
,StringOccuranceRecordCount INT

SELECT C.Table_CataLog
,\'[\' + C.Table_CataLog + \']\' + \'.[\' + C.Table_Schema + \'].\'
+ \'[\' + C.Table_Name + \']\' AS FullQualifiedTableName,
FROM information_schema.Columns C
INNER JOIN information_Schema.Tables T ON C.Table_Name = T.Table_Name
AND T.Table_Type = \'BASE TABLE\'
and (C.Data_Type like \'%CHAR%\'
or C.Data_Type like \'%Text%\')
INTO @DatabaseName

SET @SQL = \' Select \'\'\' + @DatabaseName + \'\'\' AS DatabaseName, \'\'\'
+ @SchemaName + \'\'\' AS TableName,
\'\'\' + @TableName + \'\'\' AS SchemaName,
\'\'\' + @ColumnName + \'\'\' AS ColumnName,
\'\'\' + @DataType + \'\'\' AS ColumnName,
(Select count(*) from \' + @FullyQualifiedTableName + \' With (Nolock))
AS TotalTableRowCount,
count(*) as StringOccuranceRecordCount from \' + @FullyQualifiedTableName
+ \'With (Nolock) Where \'+@ColumnName+\' like \'\'\'+\'%\'+ @SearchString+\'%\'\'\'

-- Print @SQL

INTO @DatabaseName

Cast((StringOccuranceRecordCount/Cast(TotalTableRowCount as Numeric(13,1)))*100
AS Numeric(4,1)) AS StringOccurancePercentPerColumn
from #Results
Where StringOccuranceRecordCount0
--drop table #Results