Determine Azure IP information

To find all the information which is being used by Microsoft Azure, you can refer the below link where Azure periodically publish their IP address information:

You need to download the file which contains the IP address ranges for Public Azure as a whole, each Azure region within Public, and ranges for several Azure Services (Service Tags) such as Storage, SQL and Azure Traffic Manager in Public. It currently includes only IPv4 address ranges but a schema extension in the near future will enable us to support IPv6 address ranges as well.

You can also search the IP address in Azure Speed. Enter your IP address in search box and you will get the result as shown below.

Sitecore Docker Installation Step by Step Set Up

Sitecore has officially announced Support for Sitecore products in containers.  There have been recent developments in Sitecore and Docker therefore I would like to share some valuable piece of information which you all are looking for. After going through  Sitecore Docker & reading several articles,  I was able to successfully complete the Sitecore provision in docker. I hope this will lead to successful installations and you can thank me later.😊


  1. Windows 10
  2. Enable Hyper-V + Containers features in Windows
  3. Git installed
  4. Valid Sitecore license
  5. Docker Desktop
  6. Sitecore certified account on Sitecore Downloads

Refer to the steps given below to perform the step up:

  1. Find Docker Desktop in your taskbar and make it switch to Windows containers. This will restart the Docker and we are good to go.


  1. Ensure that license.xml should be available in C:\\license\\license.xml. Create a new folder, for example: C:\\SitecoreDocker and clone the Sitecore Docker images.

git clone

  1. Open Windows PowerShell (run as administrator) & change directory to C:\\SitecoreDocker\\docker-images .
  2. Run this command to install:

.\\Build.ps1 -SitecoreUsername \"\" -SitecorePassword \"xxxxxxxx\"

Depending on PC specifications and network speed, this will take from 30 minutes to about an hour. If you end up with a green text similar to the one given in the image below. Then we’re ready to proceed ahead.


  1. Refer to the below commands to Spin Up Sitecore:

.\\Set-LicenseEnvironmentVariable.ps1 -Path C:\\license\\license.xml # to update Sitecore license

cd .\\windows\\tests\\9.3.x

docker-compose -f docker-compose.xp.yml up


  1. Open your browser, navigate to http://localhost:44001/


Login to Sitecore using the credentials (admin/b)




  1. Run the below commands. It will give a list of the XP instance containers.

docker container ls


  1. Now it’s time to shut down all the containers.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.xp.yml down


I hope this information helped you. If you have any feedback, questions or suggestions for improvement please let me know in the comments section.

Sitecore Hotfixes Version Selector

A hotfix is a code (sometimes called a patch) that fixes a very specific issue in the product. Sitecore has a great GitHub page for this: Unfortunately, it is hard to list all specific hotfixes per version.

Then I found this website Here you can filter the hotfix by Sitecore version.

Sitecore Hotfixes Version Selector