Display Indian Rupees & Indian Language in SSMS

We will use Format function which returns a value formatted with the specified format and optional culture. This function will use three parameter i.e Value, format & Culture.

FORMAT ( value, format [, culture ] )

SQL Script to display Indian Rupee & USD:

DECLARE @currency money = 9876.54;
SELECT @currency NoFilter,
FORMAT(@currency, \'C\', \'en-us\') \'en-us\',
FORMAT(@currency, \'C\', \'en-in\') \'en-in\'

SQL Script to display in Indian Languages:

DECLARE @currency datetime = GETDATE();
FORMAT(@currency, \'D\', \'en-us\') \'en-us\',
FORMAT(@currency, \'D\', \'hi-in\') \'hi-in\',
FORMAT(@currency, \'D\', \'gu-in\') \'gu-in\',
FORMAT(@currency, \'D\', \'pa-in\') \'pa-in\';

Retrieve the latest Sitecore Web app logs with Kudu

Refer the following steps to retrieve the latest logs:

1. Go to your Azure Web App and click on Advanced Tools in left Navigation bar as shown below:


2. It will open a new page https://<>-cd.scm.azurewebsites.net. Now open the powershell tool in kudu.


3. Change your directory to \”D:\\home\\site\\wwwroot\\App_Data\\logs\”.


4. Run the below command to reteive files updated in last 1 hour:

Get-ChildItem | Where { $_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddHours(-1) }

5. Now, open your browser and open the URL as mentioned below to get your log file.

<a href="https://<>-cd.scm.azurewebsites.net/api/vfs/site/wwwroot/App_Data/logs/<&gt;\”>https://<>-cd.scm.azurewebsites.net/api/vfs/site/wwwroot/App_Data/logs/<&gt;